Pupdate Week 4: Puppy Plaque Attack!
Dear Eisner Family, What a week we've had! We've had so much fun this last week of 1st Session. We bow-wowed with the best of them at the All-Camp Dance and were all ears at the unit shows! We've been roaming all over camp, as you can see in our video, saying hello to...
Ofarim Leads Camp in Tikkun Olam at the Tzedakah Fair
It’s that time of year when we have a camp-wide Tzedakah Fair hosted by our Ofarim campers who have spent all summer learning about tzedakah and a variety of causes. Ofarim campers kept up their energy all morning in the hot sun, teaching everyone on camp about their causes.
Jewish Life Update, Week Four: The Joy of T’filah at Camp
By Cantor Steven Weiss, Eisner Camp faculty member from Congregation Sha'aray Shalom in Hingham, MA One of the most wonderful parts of life at Eisner Camp is the opportunity to think creatively about worship and our connections to God. As a faculty member, the chance...
Aliens Bring Zerizut to Eisner Camp!
It was a regular Tuesday evening as we all gathered in the Beit Am to learn about the Business world together, when all of a sudden we received a Skype call from Dr. Étranger. It seemed rather odd to be receiving a call at this late hour of 7pm, but we answered the call with curiosity.
Unit Updates, Week 3
From Rib Night to Trip Day to Shabbat... what have our units been up to this week? K'tanim It was such a wonderful week getting to know our second group of K'tanimers. We had such a blast running around Windy Hill Farm picking blueberries, eating SoCo, and bowling on...
Pupdate Week 3: Dog Days of Summer!
We’ve had so much fun at camp this week! We’ve been rolling around in the grass on Olim Hill, which was noticeably more quiet since Olim was in Montreal this week. Our tails were wagging just thinking about their return last night!
New Understandings About Our Favorite Places
The Machon Summer Leadership Institute at Eisner is a 7 1/2 week intensive values-based leadership development internship for rising high school seniors. Utilizing Jewish values, participants (Machonikim) explore what it means to become productive and successful staff members of the camp community, discover their Jewish identity, and gain valuable skills as Jewish leaders. We asked two of the Machonikim to share how their understanding of their favorite place at camp has changed over the years.
Jewish Life Update, Week Three: Chia Pets and Patience
What does a chia pet have to do with Jewish values? This summer our Chalutzim campers are learning about middot, or Jewish values or measures of character, through various activities around camp. We did trust activities to experience courage, visited the farm to talk about responsibility, discussed the right measure of truth in the bunks, and learned patience by planting grass heads and caring for them while we wait for them to sprout.
Dayeinu: Passover in July!
Dayeinu! If PJ Library only gave free books to thousands of Jewish children, Dayeinu! Did you know PJ Library has also expanded to providing chapter books for older children through a program called PJ Our Way? Kids can select books through their website and even post reviews.
Unit Updates, Week 2
From the Fourth of July to the Tzofim Caravan, this week has been amazing for our units! K'tanim K'tanim just finished up our second week and the first session of K'tanim with it. While we were sad to have some of our friends leave, we were glad to end this session...