Bubble Letters, Volume 1
Welcome to Bubble Letters: A new series of letters written by campers from the bubble, to you. Enjoy! Jamie Schwartz, Tzofim Bunk 23 Hi from the Bubble - This week, my activities were the Unit Show, fencing, and volleyball. My bunk had high ropes this week, where we...
Eisner in Israel: Week Two Update
Shalom from the Negev! We’ve had a busy week of traveling- starting in Krakow Poland where we visited the Krakow Ghetto as well as the concentration camps auschwitz and birkenau. It was a difficult day for many of us but we were glad to have our camp friends with us...
Jewish Life Update Week One: What’s Jewish about Camp?
On opening day, we started with Eisner’s unique opening day ceremony. Inspired by the first words of Pirkei Avot (a part of the Talmud filled with aphorisms and short teachings), we read about the line of transmission of our tradition from Moses to the sages of the...
Eisner in Israel: Week One Update
Shalom from Poland! After literally running through the airport in Amsterdam to catch our layover, we finally landed in Prague on Tuesday morning! We met our counselors and settled into the hotel and then spent the afternoon exploring the beautiful Jewish Quarter of...
George Washington Crossing the Olim Hill
Happy 4th of July!! We knew George Washington could cross more than just the Delaware… See what he accomplished across camp.
Opening Day by the Numbers
Opening Day was filled with energy and excitement at 53 Brookside Road! We kicked off our summer with tons of fun. Enjoy this numbers’ view of Opening Day.
The Bubble
The Bubble is our daily newsletter for everyone to read during meals. Check it out here to see what’s going on today in the Eisner Bubble!
Eisner Essentials: Session 1
It’s time to start packing for camp! Here’s our list of 12 things you don’t want to forget to pack for Eisner 2019.
What’s New at Camp for 2019?
We've been busy at work this off-season making updates and improvements to our program and facility so that Summer 2019 will be the best summer ever! Take a peek behind the curtain at some of the updates that await you on Opening Day and beyond... Well, it wouldn’t be...
Alumni Events
Eisner Camp Shabbat visitor dates will be posted soon!