An Exciting Weekend at Camp!

An Exciting Weekend at Camp!

It’s been quite a weekend at Eisner Camp! As Shabbat concluded, we welcomed our Leadership Team to the Eisner Bubble. This group, our unit heads and department heads, began our training and learning with Havdalah, the moment in time when we mark the transition from...
New Logo for Eisner and Crane Lake Camps!

New Logo for Eisner and Crane Lake Camps!

When Eisner Camp and Crane Lake Camp joined in partnership with the purchase of Crane Lake in 1998, we hoped not to be seen as competitors, but as being uniquely connected. Over the last 20 years, we have adapted our logo to illustrate our partnership. Our current...
Three Cheers to Our Gala Honorees

Three Cheers to Our Gala Honorees

The reviews are in, and the Camp Gala was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who turned out to celebrate or who purchased an ad or sponsorship as tribute to our most deserving honorees. More than 400 members of our extended camp community gathered on Saturday...