by egruenberg | Jul 16, 2018 | Israel, Uncategorized
Wow, what a week it’s been! We started off the week in Jerusalem, where we explored the ancient capital city. Our first stop was the sacred Western Wall, and we each had a chance to put our own prayers into the cracks of the wall. Following our visit, we trekked...
by urjeisnercamp | Aug 18, 2016 | Featured, Israel
[htable type=”table-striped”][tbody] [trow][tcol] [/tcol][tcol] [/tcol][/trow][trow][tcol] [/tcol][tcol] [/tcol][/trow][trow][tcol] [/tcol][tcol] [/tcol][/trow][/tbody][/htable] Take the first step in your (or your child’s) next adventure – a trip to...