by urjeisnercamp | Aug 18, 2016 | Featured, Israel
[htable type=”table-striped”][tbody] [trow][tcol] [/tcol][tcol] [/tcol][/trow][trow][tcol] [/tcol][tcol] [/tcol][/trow][trow][tcol] [/tcol][tcol] [/tcol][/trow][/tbody][/htable] Take the first step in your (or your child’s) next adventure – a trip to...
by urjeisnercamp | Aug 12, 2016 | Featured
What do “the Mo” (or Mo’adon, where campers get candy once/week) and “my family” have in common? They are both things that come up on an Eisner camper’s list of things they are grateful for. This summer we spent a lot of time learning about mindfulness, a necessary...
by jared | Aug 9, 2016 | Featured, Uncategorized
Melissa Meyerowitz is a mother of two and works in marketing. She and her family are members of Temple Shalom in Newton, MA. Trying new things can be hard. Sometimes it is refreshing and fun (Waterslides! Ziplines!), and sometimes it is scary and uncomfortable...
by jared | Aug 8, 2016 | Featured
Trip Day, bunk parties, special activities – it’s been an incredible week in the Bubble. What have each of the units been up to this week? K’tanim It has been another amazing week in K’tanim! Activities including Israeli scouts, pottery and ceramics,...
by jared | Aug 5, 2016 | Featured
Many of our staff members come from countries far away from the United States for a summer in the Bubble. Never before have two staff members come from Africa, though. Yonatan and Samuel are Eisner Camp’s first two counselors from Uganda. Unlike many of our...