6 Things You Can Only Do in Israel
Take the first step in your (or your child’s) next adventure – a trip to Israel!
Jewish Life Update, Week 7
What do “the Mo” (or Mo’adon, where campers get candy once/week) and “my family” have in common?
Sending Your Child to Camp: A Lesson in Holding Tight and Letting Go
Sleepaway camp can be a place of amazing growth and development – for children and parents.
Unit Updates, Week 6
Trip Day, bunk parties, special activities – it’s been an incredible week in the Bubble. What have each of the units been up to this week?
From Uganda to Eisner
Many of our staff members come from countries far away from the United States for a summer in the Bubble.
Jewish Life Update, Week 6: N’divut
We often meet on the Quad to engage and learn about different Jewish topics, congregating under the shade of the trees that border the lawn. In the past, we used to sing, “L – Limud – We do it on the Quad.”
Machon Summer Leadership Institute 2016 at URJ Eisner Camp
The Machon Summer Leadership Institute is a 7 ½ week holistic leadership development and skill-building internship program for rising high school seniors at URJ Eisner and Crane Lake Camps. Utilizing Jewish values, participants explore what it means to become...
Passing on Jewish Values at Camp
Rabbi David Widzer, a member of the Eisner Camp faculty, shares the importance of camp to his congregation.
Unit Updates, Week 5
The first week of second session has come and gone – what have our units been up to since Monday’s Opening Day?
The Rishonim, the Bonim and the Ofarim
What would groups of Eisner campers, ages seven to thirteen, want to talk about with a few elderly visitors who attended the camp before their parents were born? A lot!