Looking for the Good and Being the One

Looking for the Good and Being the One

by Zoe Schwab The Look for the Good Project (LFTGP) is a non-profit organization that uses gratitude to empower kindness in communities. Previously, Anne Kubitsky, the founder and CEO of LFTGP, went to schools to introduce the project and two-week gratitude campaign....
Being the One in Boston and Beyond

Being the One in Boston and Beyond

by Laura Gurvis, Associate Director For several summers at Eisner we’ve been teaching our campers how to BE THE ONE at camp, at school, and in their communities at home. We’ve shown them how to BE THE ONE to stand up, speak up, or show up when something in...
Mindfulness at Camp: Blessing Ourselves and Each Other

Mindfulness at Camp: A Rose by Any Other Name

We are excited that Eisner Camp has been chosen to participate in a selective pilot program to expand our mindfulness activities at camp. Three Eisner summer staff and three full-time staff members are participating in the Institute for Jewish Spirituality’s new...