Being the One on Make A Difference Day

Being the One on Make A Difference Day

What does it mean to Be the One? We strive to teach our campers the importance of standing up for others, doing the right thing, and making the world a better place. But how do we do that? This past Friday, we set out to find the answer. After months of planning and...
Bringing a Taste of the World to Eisner

Bringing a Taste of the World to Eisner

By Rob Stamper, Adventure Director and head of international staff From the very moment we open the Camp America or Camp Leaders page to apply to camp, we’re all stepping out of our comfort zones to fulfill a dream we’ve had since children: to come to America and to...
Tzofimers Take Over Camp For Yom Tzofim 2018

Tzofimers Take Over Camp For Yom Tzofim 2018

By: Maddy Greenstein, Yom Tzofim Blogger Every summer, Eisner has a special day called Yom Tzofim.  This day is special because Olim, the oldest unit on camp, is away on trip day.  So, the unit immediately below them, Tzofim, takes over camp. I’m Maddy Greenstein, and...
Eisner Celebrates Israel’s 70th Birthday

Eisner Celebrates Israel’s 70th Birthday

By Omer Nisanov, Eisner’s Rosh Mishlachat Shalom! My name is Omer, and this is my 5th summer at camp, and 4th as Rosh Mishlachat. As Rosh Mishlachat, I supervise and support our 42 Israeli staff members. This summer, we are celebrating Israel’s 70th birthday!...

Jewish Life Update Week 5: Why Choice Is a Value

Choice seems to be a sacred value here at Eisner Camp. Campers freely move throughout the day to one of several options during each period, be it sport instruction, arts, or counselor-led activities. Our older campers also choose their Jewish learning courses during a...