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From second graders to rising seniors, everyone at URJ Eisner Camp has the opportunity to have the summer of a lifetime. A  variety of opportunities for campers and leaders-in-training. Varying session options are designed to fit into everyone’s summer – from two weeks to the full 7-weeks – experience the best of everything camp has to offer.

Campers live in bunks based on the camper’s grade in school the following September. Grade-based units group together children who are on a similar level socially, physically, and developmentally to optimize everyone’s experience. The ratio of campers to counselors ensures that each camper receives plenty of individual attention and learn to be an active part of our community.

Eisner Camp also offers a Day Camp program for children who live locally and for families who summer in the Berkshires.  Our youngest campers are 4 years old ( by July 1, 2021) and our oldest campers are rising 2nd graders.

K’tanim is an introductory program perfect for our youngest campers, most of who will be away from home for the first time. Special attention is paid to teaching our K’tanim campers how to explore camp and enjoy all that camp has to offer. Our “little ones” form wonderful friendships and have a great time during what we hope will be the first of many summers at Eisner Camp.

Olim, the 10th grade summer is the pinnacle of the camper experience. As the oldest unit, Olim campers have many privileges and experiences befitting their age. Olim campers are given the opportunity to take on real leadership roles throughout camp by participating in our big brother/big sister program with our youngest campers.  The summer culminates with the opportunity to help lead the camp in Maccabiah (color war).

Eisner in Israel is an epic 4-week journey through Israel with your lifelong camp friends.  Float in the Dead Sea, climb Masada, and experience Shabbat in Jerusalem. The NFTY Adventure program is a unique and challenging summer experience created especially for teens who seek a meaningful and exciting journey, filled with amazing memories.

Machon offers rising seniors the experience of Eisner Camps’s Leader-In-Training program. During the first session of camp, our Machonikim participate in an intensive counselor training program, preparing them for all aspects of being a counselor. During the second session of camp, our Machonikim are assigned to units and activity areas for on-the-job training and mentorship from experienced counselors. Enrollment is limited and requires an application, interview, and letters of recommendation. Applications are available in November and participants are notified in late January.