2019 Summer Staff Preview
Check out this list of the greatest staff ever for Summer 2019! We’ll be updating this list as more staff is hired, so check back often!
B’tzelem Elohim
Over dinner one evening during the winter of 2007, my mother posed a question to our family. She was offered a job as the doctor for a sleepaway camp in the Berkshires and wanted to know if we would be interested in going. After our meal, my sister and I went upstairs where my mother put a DVD into our bulky old TV, depicting life at this camp.
Maccabiah 2018: Four Teams, One Camp
When worlds collide, anything can happen! This week, Eisner Camp was consumed by Maccabiah, our three-day, all-camp color war. Our camp turned red, blue, green, and gold this week, and the best of our community shined bright. Four teams, one mission: Hineini.
Two Camps, One Soul: Making A Difference Day
At Crane Lake and Eisner, we share the mission of bringing our values out into the world to make an impact. On Make A Difference Day, we lived our mission statement out loud as one, showing the power of social action, advocacy, and community.
Being the One on Make A Difference Day
What does it mean to Be the One? We strive to teach our campers the importance of standing up for others, doing the right thing, and making the world a better place. But how do we do that? This past Friday, we set out to find the answer. After months of planning and...
Bringing a Taste of the World to Eisner
From the very moment we open the Camp America or Camp Leaders page to apply to camp, we’re all stepping out of our comfort zones to fulfill a dream we’ve had since children: to come to America and to have a summer that lasts a lifetime.
Tzofimers Take Over Camp For Yom Tzofim 2018
Every summer, Eisner has a special day called Yom Tzofim. This day is special because Olim, the oldest unit on camp, is away on trip day. So, the unit immediately below them, Tzofim, takes over camp. I’m Maddy Greenstein, and I chose to be a part of the Social Media team at Eisner. I enjoy writing so I figured this would be a fitting job.
Eisner Celebrates Israel’s 70th Birthday
Shalom! My name is Omer, and this is my 5th summer at camp, and 4th as Rosh Mishlachat. As Rosh Mishlachat, I supervise and support our 42 Israeli staff members.
Jewish Life Update Week 5: Why Choice Is a Value
Choice seems to be a sacred value here at Eisner Camp. Campers freely move throughout the day to one of several options during each period, be it sport instruction, arts, or counselor-led activities. Our older campers also choose their Jewish learning courses during a period called Kesher. The visiting faculty teach classes that last for two to four days on a variety of topics. These topics are based on data from camper surveys as well as the faculty’s own strengths and interests.
Campers Learn Paper Sculpting and Fencing from Special Guests This Week
This week, we are lucky to be joined by two special guests at Eisner, artist Marna Chester and fencing instructor Jonathon Williams. Marna and Jonathon have been leading activities for each unit, helping enrich our program and provide unique opportunities to our campers.