Yom Tzofim 2019
Noga Lev is a Tzofim camper from Israel. It's her ninth summer at Eisner and she got to be the Social Media Director for Yom Tzofim! Read her perspective of the day here: Today is a special day for my unit (Tzofim) because each camper from Tzofim gets to take over a...
Jewish Life Update Week Five: Teva at Eisner
This week our blog is by Rabbi Howie Goldsmith from Congregation Emanu-El of Westchester-- a faculty member, camp parent, and former Eisner Teva Director! Read what he has to say about what’s Jewish about Teva and the Teva experience connects kids to their inner...
Eisner in Israel: Week Five Update
Shalom from Tel Aviv! It’s hard to believe this was our last full week in Israel and next Shabbat we will be back in the Berkshires visiting you. Since we last wrote we’ve had some AMAZING Israeli teens join our group. We met up with them at a beach on the Kinneret...
Eisner in Israel: Week Four Update
Shalom from the Kinneret! Since we last wrote, we enjoyed a restful Shabbat in Haifa and had a visiting day where many of us were able to see relatives in Israel. The next day we went to the city of Akko where we learned about Islam and visited a mosque. Afterwards,...
Bubble Letters, Volume 4
Welcome to Bubble Letters: A new series of letters written by campers from the bubble, to you. Enjoy! Adrian, Chalutzim Bunk 44 As I wake up to the beautiful sounds of birds chirping, out of habit, I try to go back to sleep, like I do during the school year. But then...
Bubble Letters, Volume 3
Welcome to Bubble Letters: A new series of letters written by campers from the bubble, to you. Enjoy! Kate Hankin, Chaverim Bunk 20 This summer has been AMAZING! I am so sad that in a few short days I have to go home. This week I have had so much fun hanging out with...
Bubble Letters, Volume 2
Welcome to Bubble Letters: A new series of letters written by campers from the bubble, to you. Enjoy! Zoe Dichter, Ofarim Bunk 18 Hi! This week was lots of fun! The whole session, actually, has been very exciting. This week my activities were adventure, soccer, and...
Jewish Life Update Week Three: It’s Not Fair!
It’s Not Fair! And we can change that. This week we gave one camper a candy bar and served six children a delicious breakfast of yogurt, fruit, cereal, and milk. A small group of campers served themselves some fruit and cereal, and most of the children sat on the...
Eisner in Israel: Week Three Update
Shalom from Haifa! Since we last wrote, we celebrated Shabbat in Jerusalem and enjoyed a much needed day of rest and pool time after our long trek in the desert. When we arrived in Jerusalem, we got off the bus at a lookout point wearing blindfolds and on the count of...
Jewish Life Update Week Two: Why Do We Sing?
This week, we’ve had the joy of singing with guest musician Alan Goodis. At camp we sing songs that are silly, and we also sing songs that put the words and ideas of our most central prayers to fun and beautiful music. Sometimes we sing songs that embody Jewish values...