Jewish Life Update, Week 3: Trust

Jewish Life Update, Week 3: Trust

What do daily Torah study, saying the Sh’ma at bedtime, leading services, and not coveting have in common? These are all mitzvot. Our Bonim campers started the session trying to define mitzvot in a way that makes sense to them—they are commandments in the Torah,...

Jewish Life Update, Week 2: Respect

This summer, our Chalutzim campers are learning about different Jewish values, or middot. This Hebrew term connotes having a balanced amount of each trait. Each day we discuss different scenarios and how much of each value to apply. Together, we’ve explored honesty,...

Jewish Life Update, Week One: Gratitude

“To those who created, cared for, and brought the food, thank you. To the ground that was watered by the farmer, thank you. To the driver that drove the food to Great Barrington, thank you. To those who prepared the meal, thank you. I appreciate all the people that...
Limud U 2016

Limud U 2016

Every year during staff certification week, we invite our faculty to join camp for a day of Jewish learning, which we call Limud U. It’s an opportunity for every staff member on camp to engage in conversations about Judaism and faith with rabbis, cantors and educators...