6 Things You Can Only Do in Israel

6 Things You Can Only Do in Israel

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Jewish Life Update, Week 7

Jewish Life Update, Week 7

What do “the Mo” (or Mo’adon, where campers get candy once/week) and “my family” have in common? They are both things that come up on an Eisner camper’s list of things they are grateful for. This summer we spent a lot of time learning about mindfulness, a necessary...
Jewish Life Update, Week 6: N’divut

Jewish Life Update, Week 6: N’divut

We often meet on the Quad to engage and learn about different Jewish topics, congregating under the shade of the trees that border the lawn. In the past, we used to sing, “L – Limud – We do it on the Quad.” Not anymore!! We are full of surprise destinations and...

Jewish Life Update, Week 5

Did you know that 48 million people in the United States are food insecure? That means they have trouble affording enough food to feed themselves on a regular basis. That is more people than the entire population of Canada. 13 million of these people are children. Our...

Jewish Life Update, Week 4: Tzedakah

“Don’t discriminate! Don’t! Don’t hate! Don’t discriminate, just communicate!” –Ofarim campers raising awareness for their anti-discrimination cause As you may have read, the Ofarim unit has been focusing on tikkun olam and social justice during Limud. They chose one...