by egruenberg | Jul 6, 2018 | Uncategorized
We always start camp the same way–by teaching campers to acknowledge goodness and express gratitude. Campers get a chance to meet members of our kitchen staff and learn about their lives. We have an amazing number of staff with advanced degrees who speak...
by egruenberg | Jul 5, 2018 | Daily Bubble
Daily bubble 8.19 Daily bubble 8.18 Daily bubble 8.17 Daily bubble 8.16 Daily bubble 8.15 Daily bubble 8.14 Daily bubble 8.13 Daily bubble 8.12 Daily bubble 8.11 Daily bubble 8.10 Daily bubble 8.9 Daily bubble 8.8 Daily bubble 8.7 Daily bubble 8.6 Daily bubble 8.5...
by egruenberg | Jun 30, 2018 | Education, Featured, Summer
Hillel taught: “Don’t say, ‘When I have time I will study,’ because you may never have the time.” –Pirkei Avot 2:5 Wednesday was the twentieth day of our twenty-three days of staff training before the opening of camp. There’s a lot to do to get camp ready–...