Behind the Music: Be the One – Songs from the Bubble, Part 3
Each person who takes an action has the ability to influence thousands more – that’s what it means to be the one.
Behind the Music: Be the One – Songs from the Bubble, Part 2
Yesterday, we shared that our new Eisner Album, Be the One, has inspired our camp community to take action to improve the world beyond the bubble. We continue to hear from stories from our camp families who take these values to heart in an amazing way. Tracy Spitzer,...
Behind the Music: Be the One – Songs from the Bubble, Part 1
The response to our new collection of camp songs has been amazing, and we wanted to go “behind the music” to show you how it all came about and how it’s inspiring members of our camp community.
Giving the Gift of Life
Read how our camps have been giving the gift of life through bone marrow swab drives!
Mindfulness Initiative at Camp: Meditation, Gratitude, and More
We are excited to share that Eisner Camp has been chosen to participate in a selective pilot program to expand our mindfulness activities at camp.
Why I Give: A Conversation with the Adler Family
We are blessed by the support and participation of our community members. Many in our kehillah kedoshah (holy community) go above and beyond and are generous in their tzedakah in addition to their generous spirit. We are fortunate to have a group of donors who...
One Camper’s Journey is a Communal Experience: Lech L’cha
We speak of Abraham’s journey as the start of the unique covenantal relationship that we have inherited. Lech l’cha… it is a single journey, written in the singular as a command; but it is not taken alone. While God spoke to Abraham, he didn’t sojourn by himself. Sarah went with him and so did Lot.
From Eisner to Uganda
This past summer, Eisner Camp was blessed to have two counselors join us from Uganda: Yonatan and Samuel. Throughout their time with us, they shared many facets of life in their home community of Namatumba, from everyday activities to traditional dances.
Shoftim: Pursuing Justice at Camp and Beyond
In this week’s Torah portion, Shoftim, we read the words “Tzedek, Tzedek Tirdof” – Justice, justice shall you pursue (Deuteronomy 16:20).
6 Ways to Bring Camp Home All Year
Missing camp? Here’s your answer with 6 ways to connect to camp throughout the year.