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Home » Eisner Essentials: Session 1

We’re in the final stretch before opening day, which means one thing… it’s time to start packing! Whether this is your first summer at Eisner or your fifth, there are things we forget sometimes. Here’s our list of 12 things you don’t want to forget to pack for Eisner 2019:

1. Patriotic Gear

We’ll be celebrating the 4th of July during the first week of camp, so break out your red, white, and blue! It will make the cotton candy taste even better. We promise.

2. Wild West Clothes

During First Session, we celebrate Rib Night with a delicious dinner followed by country music and square dancing!! Grab your cowboy hats and bolo ties for an awesome night with Paul Rosenberg and the Fireflies.

3. Shower Shoes

When people share showers like we do at camp, you want to keep your feet as clean as possible. Pack a pair of waterproof flip flops to wear in the shower and around your bunk. You’ll thank us later!

4. Tutus, Crazy Hats, and Funky Clothes

Camp is the time and the place to get wAcKy! Whether it’s time to rock out to Todd Yahney and show off your best dance moves or it’s Wacky Wednesday, it can’t hurt to toss some brightly colored clothing and accessories in your duffel.

5. Musical Instrument/Sports Equipment

We have plenty of instruments and sports equipment for you to borrow, but if you have a special attachment to your own feel free to bring it from home.

6. Rain jacket

People often ask us: What happens at camp when it rains? We get wet! Sometimes it drizzles up here in the Berkshires, but that won’t stop our fun. Make sure to pack a rain jacket and some boots, so we can splash in the puddles together. (Don’t forget to write your name on your rain gear!)

7. Envelopes and Stamps

We love to stay in touch with our families while we’re having the time of our lives at camp! Don’t forget some letter writing materials. You bring the stamps, and we’ll provide the awesome experiences for you to write about.

8. Water Bottle

Hydrate, hydrate, and, oh, did we say hydrate? You have to drink lots of water when you’re having as much fun as you will at Eisner this summer. (Make sure to label your water bottle so you can always find it!)

9. Sunscreen and Bug Spray

Enough said.

10. Playing Cards and Books

When we’re not busy climbing the tower or learning how to use a 3D printer, we have time to take it easy in our bunks. This is the perfect time for a good summer reading book, some games, or friendship bracelet making!

11. Something cuddly

Everyone loves a good cuddle buddy. Feel free to bring your favorite stuffed animal or blanket from home to keep you company in your bunk.

12. White Clothing

One of our favorite camp traditions is dressing in white for Shabbat services every Friday night. Pack a couple of white shirts or dresses for Shabbat and also toss in a separate t-shirt or two to tie-dye later!

You know what we’re going to say now… put your name on all of your belongings that you send to camp. Just in case!

And with that, get packing! We can’t wait to see you soon in Great Barrington.