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Home » How’s Camp going? Mid-session camper surveys reveal: FUN!

How’s camp going?

Each summer, we have our campers fill out mid-session and end-of-session surveys to ask just that. We want to know about our campers’ overall experiences, their counselors, activities, friends, and anything and everything else they want to share. It’s our way to not only celebrate the great parts of camp, but also to address the areas that might need tweaking.

The results of last week’s mid-session survey were amazing. While there is of course always room to improve, we are thrilled with the feedback we received, and we wanted to share it with you!

We surveyed 576 campers. Here are some highlights:

  • Way more than 90% of campers said they are having either “a lot of fun” or “tons of fun.”
  • Campers across all units are enjoying Limud and Kesher more than in previous summers.
  • A Bonim camper told us, “I know it’s going to be the best summer ever. My counselors put sunshine in my cloud.”
  • Our older campers are craving more hashbrowns and cheese sticks. We’re working on it.
  • A Chaverim camper added, “T’filah is even better this year.”
  • Bonim and Olim love their Bolim buddies!
  • An Olim camper quipped, “Thank you for dino chicken nuggets.”
  • And our counselors?
    • They’re “comforting, caring, and awesome.”
    • “They feel like sisters to me.”
    • “They take care of us and make camp extra fun.”
    • They’re “incredibly supportive and cool.”
    • “I’ll remember how chill, understanding, and willing to listen all the Olim counselors are.”
  • And finally, one camper said, “I wanted to tell you that this is one of the best camps I have ever been in and I think everyone is doing a great job.”

We look forward to reading our campers’ end-of-session surveys, which will help us make Summer 2019 even better!