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Home » Unit Updates, Week 4


It’s been a fun, full week for K’tanim to finish up the session! We got to watch our friends perform “Alice in Wonderland” during the K’tanim/Bonim show and got to see our art on display during Chagigah, the camp arts festival. On Friday night, we led the Shabbat service for the entire camp!




Bonim was really living the bo-dream this week as the session came to a close! So many of our friends performed in “Alice in Wonderland,” and we had so much fun watching all of the other plays too. We spent more time with our Olim buddies, and really loved dancing with them at the last Shabbat song session of the summer. We especially enjoyed our activities this week, from arts to swim to sports and more! Now we’re looking forward to the end-of-session activities and coming back next year for Summer 2018!


Chalutzim has had another amazing week! This week we went to the theater and were blown away by the talents of our cast, crew and pit band of “Matilda.” We played in the pool with Moana and Maui, having fun in the rain. We had a couple of dance parties, created a Drive In Theater on camp, and look forward to celebrating the end of our time together at Banquet and Song Session. We have loved having all of our wonderful Chalutzimers and can’t wait to see them in Ofarim!



Ofarim had a fantastic last week of Session One! We were so proud of all our friends who performed in the Chalutzim/Ofarim production of “Matilda.” We enjoyed a great evening program called “Build Your Own Society” where campers worked together to imagine their ideal society and what it would take to make their dream a reality. Our final Shabbat of the session was a blast, and we’re looking forward to all of the end-of-session activities!



We had a great time in Chaverim this week! Our favorite program this week was “Bill Nye Night” when we did wacky science experiments. It was a blast watching our friends perform in the Chaverim/Tzofim production of “Matilda,” and we loved all the other shows this week too! Our chugim were great this week, including a fencing workshop! We are sad to see the end of first session but we can’t wait to come back next year in Tzofim!



Tzofim had a wonderful last week of the session! We had so much fun cheering on our friends in their amazing rendition of “Fiddler on the Roof,” and we got to enjoy all of the other great plays this week! On Thursday, we explored all of the art that we’ve made throughout the session during Chagigah. It was so cool to see the really interesting things that people have been working on! We really enjoyed our last Shabbat of the session, and while we are sad to see our first session friends go, we had a fabulous month with everyone!


Olim was so happy to return from Montreal for one last stretch across the hill for Session One. With the unit invested in the writing, directing and executing of a full hour-long play, we set to work racking our brains about what it means to know camp in the past, and pave the way for future years. With a multitude of dance parties, pool parties and hill time, Olim prepared to end the session right; strengthening connections with the rest of camp, the rest of the unit, and themselves.