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Home » Dayeinu: Passover in July!

Dayeinu! If PJ Library only gave free books to thousands of Jewish children, Dayeinu! Did you know PJ Library has also expanded to providing chapter books for older children through a program called PJ Our Way? Kids can select books through their website and even post reviews. This week Bonim campers got a free backpack and flashlight along with a free book through this program.

One of the books, Peninah Levine is a Hard Boiled Egg, takes place over Passover, so rather than simply give away the books, we celebrated Passover in July! We had a salad dressing and vegetable taste test as we “dipped twice,” made timbrels for celebrating the crossing of the sea, sang Passover songs, punched Pharaoh punching bags for each of the 10 Plagues, competed to see how quickly we could assemble a correct seder plate, chased an AfikoMan, posed for pictures in costume as we imagined ourselves leaving Egypt, and more. It was even more of a party than usual in Limud! Chag sameach!