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Home » Yom Tzofim 2019

Noga Lev is a Tzofim camper from Israel. It’s her ninth summer at Eisner and she got to be the Social Media Director for Yom Tzofim! Read her perspective of the day here:

Today is a special day for my unit (Tzofim) because each camper from Tzofim gets to take over a job at camp. Some campers are a part of the Leadership Team, some campers are instructors, some campers are maintenance, and more. I’m the Director of Social Media for the day, so I decided to go around in a golf cart and ask the Tzofim campers and staff what they think about the experience. 

In the beginning I went to adventure. Sofia and Jared, the Heads of Adventure, said that it’s really fun and when you belay someone it builds trust because it feels like you’re holding someone’s life in your hands. 

Then I went to the farm and the garden and met Lily, the Head of Mishlachat (Israeli Staff) and she said that it is really interesting to see what people do around camp, and she’s enjoying it a lot.

Abigail said that she got the job she wanted, so she’s really happy about it because it’s fun to be with all the animals in the farm.

After that, I hopped back on the golf cart. On the way to the lower sports complex, Asher rode past us on a bike! We interviewed him on the go and he said that being the bike instructor is awesome and Yom Tzofim is really fun.

When we arrived to the lower sports complex, Abby was busy teaching Karate. When I finally got to talk to her, she said that she loves the experience and teaching all the kids is really fun because they are really cute.

From there we went to tennis where Kate told me that she really likes the instructors she’s with and that the whole day is really chill and fun.

I asked some kitchen staff what they think about their Tzofimers and they said the campers are doing great and that it’s really fun to have them around.

We had fun testing how it is to be staff (or at least I did), can’t wait to come back in a few years as staff!