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Home » Bubble Letters, Volume 3

Welcome to Bubble Letters: A new series of letters written by campers from the bubble, to you. Enjoy!

Kate Hankin, Chaverim Bunk 20

This summer has been AMAZING! I am so sad that in a few short days I have to go home. This week I have had so much fun hanging out with my friends and trying new things. Yesterday, my unit had a super fun evening program about a murder mystery! We went around Manor House trying to figure out suspects. It all ended with finding out that the victim had never even died.

 In the last week I have spent most of my time in the Beit Am rehearsing for “Shrek,” the Chaverim/Tzofim show. We have been focusing a lot on running through the entire show and making sure everyone knows all of the choreography. It is so much fun being in character on stage using my witch voice and singing all of the songs. I also enjoy spending time in the air conditioning to cool down. Overall, drama has been great!

Today, I am going to be helping out with Chalutzim/Ofarim tech day for their show, “The Lion King.” So far, it has been really fun doing microphone checks and working backstage with props.

Last week, Chaverim lead Saturday morning services for all of camp. I enjoyed writing the small speech that I was going to say with 3 of my friends. We wrote about our favorite camp memories and what we have learned from camp. The entire service was very heartwarming and interesting. 

I am very excited for the rest of camp, especially the Olim play and Hagigah, camp’s arts festival that includes dancing, music, and crafts. All in all, I am having a great time at camp.

Best wishes,

Kate Hankin