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Home » Unit Updates, Week 6


It has been such a phenomenal week with K’tanim and it definitely flew by faster than any other week. Together we learned what it means to be a soldier in the Israeli Defense Force and even learned some commands! Later in the week we had an amazing trip day at Bousquet riding  water slides and swimming in the pool. We even finished the day off with some delicious SoCo! This summer flew by so quickly and we can’t believe there is only one more week left, but we know it is going to be the best one yet!



We have had a fantastic week in Bonim! We loved our trip to Quassy, and especially enjoyed the Wooden Warrior, the magic show and, of course, Saturation Station! Backwards Day was wacky and so much fun. We had Princess Peach’s Penguin Party program in the morning and waffles for dinner! On Friday we hung out with our Olim buddies in the Mercaz Hasport, playing all kinds of games, and we led camp in Shabbat evening t’filah! We’re super excited for the camp show, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, featuring some of our Bonim friends!


It’s been an eventful week in Chalutzim! We competed in our very own American Ninja Warrior competition, we lobbied on “Capital Hill” to Senator Phil A. Buster, we celebrated TJ’s 13th summer at camp “Bat Mitzvah,” and, most importantly, we had a blast at Lake Compounce for trip day! We can’t wait for the last amazing week of camp together as Chalutzim!



Ofarim has never had a better second week of second session! This past week was filled with amazing memories and fun! Our most epic evening program was our “Messy Night” in which we got to test our Jewish knowledge and get a little messy (i.e with paint, sprinkles, and whipped cream).  At Limud we got to practice our community organizing skills and talked to Louis about repairing the Mirpa’ah. On Thursday, we headed to Six Flags for an incredible trip day. The sun was shining, the rides were zooming, and we had the best time! We topped our week off with a rainy yet inspirational Shabbat in which one of our fellow Eisnerites from London became a Bar Mitzvah. We are so excited for our last week of camp!


What an amazing week! We kicked off this incredible week with the all-camp dance, where our unit had a blast singing and dancing together. On Trip Day, we went to Zoar to go white water rafting. The weather was perfect and we had an amazing time rafting through Class 2 and 3 rapids. On Saturday, we led camp in Shabbat t’filah where we explored a deeper understanding of our traditional blessings. Our favorite program this week was a Sports Night, when we played soccer, basketball, tennis and volleyball together. We are looking forward to our last week of the session with all of our friends!


This was a great week for Tzofim! Wednesday was Yom Tzofim, when we took over camp! It was awesome to have a chance to step up and lead, and it was so cool to see our friends take on new roles all around camp. We ended our day with a “staff” meeting and slideshow presented by our Social Media Tzofimers. On Trip Day, we went to Ramblewild and climbed the adventure ropes course in the beautiful weather. When we came back to camp, we had a unit pizza party and movie night! We had a great week of activities including a special chug with author Lisa Greenwald. Now we’re excited for our last week of the summer!


Olim has had a busy week! On our special Olim Trip Day, we went to Six Flags. Despite a rainy afternoon, we had a great time on the rides, playing games, and hanging with our friends off camp. On Yom Olim, we had the run of camp. We had a camp-wide scavenger hunt, counselor vs. camper basketball tournament, jam session, hike to Lookout Point, and more great activities. We are looking forward to the last week of camp and more exciting events!