Jewish Life Update, Week One: Giving Thanks

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Home » Jewish Life Update, Week One: Giving Thanks

At camp we begin every day with the words, Modeh ani, “I give thanks.” Noticing the good and giving thanks are not simply things we can learn about, they are habits that take practice to cultivate. In Limud, the Jewish learning hour, we try to balance the time we spend learning about things and the time we spend learning through practice. This week every camper spent the first two days thinking of things they are grateful for, creating a giant gratitude wall in our dining hall, making signs for their bunks to remind them to be grateful, meeting our kitchen staff and expressing gratitude directly to them for the way they nurture us every day, and writing their own versions of the grace after meals. We read these individual blessings each morning after breakfast as a way of reinforcing each day in our own words our gratitude for the meal and community we just experienced. Our gratitude wall is covered with everything from thanks for health to science to Eisner Camp to parents to pizza. The message is not that we can only be grateful for the big things, but to practice being grateful every day.