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Home » An Exciting Weekend at Camp!

It’s been quite a weekend at Eisner Camp! As Shabbat concluded, we welcomed our Leadership Team to the Eisner Bubble. This group, our unit heads and department heads, began our training and learning with Havdalah, the moment in time when we mark the transition from Shabbat into the rest of the week. We sang together and our voices joined in beautiful harmonies. The fourth prayer of Havdalah usually blesses the transition from Shabbat into the weekdays, from the holy – kodesh – to the ordinary – hol. Instead, we thanked God for bringing us from the holiness of Shabbat into the holiness of camp and community, singing, hamavdil bein kodesh la’kodesh. Later that night, we imagined our ideal camp, the camp that we will all create together this summer. This weekend is just the beginning of building a holy community together, one that will grow stronger as each group of staff arrive in the coming weeks!

On Sunday, we welcomed nearly 200 first-time campers and their families for New Camper Orientation. Campers learned our camp blessing [link to audio track], took a tour of camp, played games, enjoyed a “June 4th” carnival, and of course, made new friends. Parents had the chance to learn more about camp and ask questions of our directors. We can’t wait to see all of our campers back here on Opening Day!