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Home » Behind the Music: Be the One – Songs from the Bubble, Part 2

Yesterday, we shared that our new Eisner Album, Be the One, has inspired our camp community to take action to improve the world beyond the bubble. We continue to hear from stories from our camp families who take these values to heart in an amazing way. Tracy Spitzer, mom of campers Lilly, Max, and Henry, has organized a crowd-funding campaign to assist the Jewish community of Namatumba, Uganda, the home of Yonatan and Sam, two of our 2016 staff members. Namatumba and all of Uganda is currently suffering from a record drought, impacting agriculture and food supplies. Tracy and her family, inspired by the idea that each of us can be the one, writes:

Dear friends,
When I asked friends of mine from a poor village in Uganda about their most pressing needs, they said:
food, electricity, medicine and Kosher wine for Kiddush.

There are committed Jews in Uganda (more than one community) and their needs are urgent and many. My friends, Samuel and Yonathan, are from Namatumba, where they have a synagogue, but no refrigeration. Really.

I’m reaching out to you with an opportunity to nourish this emerging, dedicated Jewish community with resources they so desperately need.
Starting with food.

I’m launching a crowdfunding campaign; and, I invite you to support me in this truly unique grassroots effort, stepping in, stepping up, being the one to really change lives.

If you are able to contribute, I thank you. If not, no worries and especially no judgment. I’m grateful for the chance to open your eyes to Jewish life in Africa.
I find it so humbling that even when faced with unimaginable hardships, Samuel and Yonathan are concerned about having Kosher wine for Shabbat….

Tracy Spitzer

Another way that our camp families have been inspired to be the one is through Bar and Bat Mitzvah projects. In our Limud program, the Development professionals spend time with campers to talk about how they themselves can give back to camp. Two of our campers this school year have taken it upon themselves to raise money for Eisner Camp scholarship through crowdfunding pages. These pages allow campers to share the page and their message with people they care about, and the people those people care about. Sarah Rocco and Max Mallah created pages for their B’nai Mitzvah and are making sure campers get to experience camp, just like them!

We’re so proud of the all of our camp families for organizing their amazing acts of Tikkun Olam beyond the bubble. We have even more ideas for ways that you can volunteer or make a difference at home or through your local synagogue – just reach out to us if you want to brainstorm! We can’t wait to hear how you are being the one!

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s installment, where we will feature Eisner staff and alumni who are “being the one!”