We often meet on the Quad to engage and learn about different Jewish topics, congregating under the shade of the trees that border the lawn. In the past, we used to sing, “L – Limud – We do it on the Quad.” Not anymore!! We are full of surprise destinations and adventures in Limud this week!
Chalutzim learned about the value of n’divut, or generosity. As with each value we have discussed, we considered what amount of generosity we wanted to demonstrate in different situations. For example, should you give so much tzedakah that you are dependent on tzedakah from others? Rather than discuss this topic abstractly under a tree, we met on the basketball courts. Each camper played basketball with a different amount of generosity (passing frequently or never). Next campers discussed how it felt to act with a lot or a little generosity. Finally, they applied this concept to life around camp. For example, what if you came home with a sunburn because you lent out all of your sunscreen?
An even bigger surprise was Chanukah in August, complete with SNOW! Bonimers rotated through Chanukah-themed stations, inspired by Penina Levine Is a Potato Pancake, the book they received as a “Chanukah gift” through our partnership with PJ Library’s PJ Goes to Camp. We made paper snowflakes that we turned into thank you cards, ate homemade potato pancakes while voting for our favorite topping (sour cream won!), and tried to calculate how many candles are needed to celebrate the holiday if you light the Chanukiah each night (44). We even pinned the jelly on the donut, which was a moving, human target! The book also explores the mitzvah of bikkur cholim, visiting the sick, so campers made puzzle pages for our friends in the Mirpa-ah, or Health Center.
Stay tuned for more surprises next week! Limud is keeping campers on their toes and engaged with Jewish learning and living.