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Home » Living Our Values: A Blood Drive at Camp

IMG_2139Last week, Eisner Camp hosted an American Red Cross Blood Drive. The blood drive provided our staff and members of the broader Great Barrington community with the opportunity to donate blood and potentially save lives of those who are in need. While only staff could donate, Olim campers supported the blood drive as greeters. The day truly exemplified Eisner’s core Jewish values.

One way the blood drive connects to our values is through the idea of tikkun olam – repairing the world. The donations of blood made here at camp will save lives, and those lives will potentially save many more.

On a similar note, we acted out the value of achrayut – social responsibility. We all have a responsibility to provide what we can to those who need. This is the same reason that we collect non-perishable foods and swab cheeks to see if adults have the potential to assist in a bone marrow transplant on Opening Day. It is our social IMG_2138responsibility as a camp to help in whatever way we can.

Those who donated blood also demonstrated ometz lev – courage. Donating blood isn’t always easy, but the staff and community donors assisted others in the most selfless manner.

Our blood drive in one small act that we can take a world in need of healing. Every action counts, illustrating the core text from our Mission Statement: “It is not your duty to complete the work, and neither are you free to desist from it,” (Pirke Avot 2:16).
