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Home » My Israel Story: Goldie D.

This is the sixth installment of our “My Israel Story” series. All week, we’ll be sharing personal photos and stories from our staff about their connection to Israel in honor of Yom HaZikaron (Memorial Day) and Yom HaAtzmaut (Independence Day) on May 10-12. We look forward to sharing even more of our Israel stories and experiences this summer at camp!

“To me, Israel is a place of indescribable happiness, memories, and growth. Every time I go to Israel, as I travel and experience new parts of the country, I acquire a permanent smile and glow because I know I’m in an amazing place. As I learn new things about the people, the land, the history, and the culture, I not only expand my knowledge but I grow and evolve as a young adult. My development during my time in Israel always pushes me in the right direction, at whatever stage I’m at in my life, especially in the past year. When it came time to start the college process, Israel was always on my mind as I watched many of my friends apply for gap years, and I continued to follow Israeli news. I had never thought about a gap year and neither had my parents. But after deciding to attend Brandeis University next year starting in January, I had another decision to make about my upcoming year: what I would do in the fall. Finally, after a busy and stressful senior year, I knew that the only thing that I wanted to do before I go to college was return to Israel. Happy 68th Birthday, Israel. Thank you for all the memories and for getting me to where I am today. I can’t wait to see you in just a few months!”

For more information about opportunities to travel to Israel, check out our Eisner/NFTY Israel trip or URJ Kesher: Birthright Israel