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Home » My Israel Story: Shahar Z.

This is the second installment of our “My Israel Story” series. All week, we’ll be sharing personal photos and stories from our staff about their connection to Israel in honor of Yom HaZikaron (Memorial Day) and Yom HaAtzmaut (Independence Day) on May 10-12. We look forward to sharing even more of our Israel stories and experiences this summer at camp!

“When I was on my way back home to Haifa, I decided to drive up the Carmel mountain through a side road. After I reached the top, I saw this amazing view, and took that picture. This is Israel for me. The beautiful landscapes, the nature, silence in the mountains, the green in the winter and the yellowish color in the summer. All of this is my Israel experience.”

For more information about opportunities to travel to Israel, check out our Eisner/NFTY In Israel trip or Kesher Birthright!